Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hello 2009!

Good bye 2008! Hello 2009! Let's welcome this new year with a smile. =)

Have a prosperous New Year everyone!

*still busy :D, I'll visit your blogs soon!*

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Crazy Politicians!

WHAT THE F*CK! I read this at Jepoy's blog and I instantly got mad at the father and son politician tandem with company that beat up a defenseless 56 year old man and a pleading 14 year old boy.

Here's the story:

The world has gone crazy

So, I just had the worst day of my life.

At around 1:30 PM today (Dec 26), at Valley Golf and Country Club, Antipolo City, Mayor Nasser Pangandaman, Jr., Mayor of Masiu City, Lanao del Sur, his father, Secretary Nasser Pangandaman of the Department of Agrarian Reform, and company, beat my defenseless 56-year-old dad and my 14-year-old brother to a pulp because of some stupid misunderstanding on the golf course.


Someone breaks up the fight. I thought it was all over. The mayor shouts to his caddy: "Hindi nila kami kilala! Sabihin mo nga sa kanila kung sino ako!" And believe me, I had no idea who this person was. But now I know. He's the person who, with 4 other men, beat up my 56-year-old father and my 14-year-old brother. He's the person who sacks a pleading 14-year-old kid in the face. He's a person who, I am sure, is gonna rot in hell.


The world has gone crazy. Two politicians beat up a defenseless 56-year-old father and his 14-year-old son. At a golf course. I swear to God, I thought golfers were decent people. You would think politicians were decent people. I guess not. I guess they gang up on 56-year-old men and beat up pleading 14-year-old kids.

Please pray for my dad, my brother and for my whole family. Please pray that we get JUSTICE. Oh God, please, give these people what they deserve.

I thought politician should protect the people... but what happen to these two crazy guys? tsk tsk tsk...

(Bambee Dela Paz, via Jepoy)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Busy Holiday...

I've been very busy for the past few days that I wasn't able to visit your blogs. I've been finishing my chocolate orders this holiday season. From the lines of the Terminator: I'll be back!

Happy Holidays everyone! =)

*scheduled post =D*

Younger Looking Skin

Almost all my female friends and the females I know are concerned on how their skin looks. Most of them are in their late 20s and worry about their face too much. Wrinkles, sagging, dark spots, blemishes and dead skin cells usually start to show at this stage. My mother and her friends are in their late 40's and obviously, most of them are already conscious about their skins.

I took the liberty of finding a solution for their problem without the hassle of going into any surgical procedure. Of course, I also started looking for solutions that will help me maintain my youthful glow.

While searching the internet, I found resurgence. I learned that hormonal aging is one of the factors why skin change. Murad resurgence is one way to look young and maintain that youthful glow.

I'll have my mom watch the resurgence infomercial so she could tell her friends right away about this product.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Photo frame watch

Do you always miss someone special like your wife/husband, boyfriend/girlfriend, your kids, best friends, family or even your pets? Do you want to see them as often as every hour? Well then, this Digital Photo Frame Watch is for you. You can put up to 60 of your favorite pictures at this gadget. Now, you can see your love ones as often as you look for time.

It has a white flexible and fashionable plastic band. =)

I want one! (Another nice gift for Christmas) =D

(via, Geek Alerts)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Bra for men?

Japanese never fails to amaze us with their new discoveries. Few example of these are Pepsi White, Cotton Candy Maker, alarm clock with target and a lot more. This time, you'll be surprise on the new discovery of Japan that I found while surfing the net. This was made especially for men. For them to cover their unwanted body part which is their man boobs, to be precise. It is called the The Man Bra. lol

It is an under wire brassiere for men to cover their sagging chest and cover their nipples. created by Wish Room.

I wonder how men will explain things when they pass by a metal detector. lol

More pictures after the jump

(Gizmodo, via Wish Room)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pepsi White

Do you love soft drinks? how about yogurt? Once in a while I drink sodas and sometimes yogurt. But have you ever wonder what it would taste if soda and yogurt will be combined? This Pepsi White is a combination of your favorite Pepsi cola and yogurt in one. It is a new flavor of Pepsi in Japan.

Japanese taste buds are really different. Remember their weird ice cream flavors? Would you dare taste it? I wouldn't dare drink it even if it's for free.

(via, Book of Joe)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Online Casino for fun

My auntie is a working mom. During her free time, she loves to stay in the house and take care of her two sons. My auntie used to play the casino before she got married, and now she told me that she misses playing.

Unfortunately for her, she no longer has the time to go to a casino. Instead of playing, she rather stay at home and be with her sons. Since she misses playing the casino, I told her about a website that can let her play Online Casino without even leaving home. I told her to go to the website

She can play for free or pay for prizes. Online Casinos has a lot of available games for her to play. Thanks to this, she can now be with her kids and play the casino at the comfort of her home.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Liquid Bookmarks?

Love to read books? I also like reading books, but the problem is when i start reading I always end up feeling sleepy. That's why I don't finish a book in one sitting. I sometimes use calling cards or any small piece of paper as my bookmark.

While browsing the internet, i saw this unusual bookmark - it is called the Liquid Bookmark. It is not really liquid, just unique design to create an impression that it is "liquid". It comes in three colors - red, gray and white.

Another perfect present for book lovers this coming Christmas season.

(Oh Gizmo via The Daily Diary)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Unique Cake Designs

During parties, cakes are always present. Whether children's party, wedding, debut or any other occasion. I found this unique cake designs while surfing the world wide web. Try serving this kind of cake for a more personalized party theme. =)

More pictures after the jump

(via, Eglobe1)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

My first Sony experience is with my Sony TV

As far as I can remember, we had our first colored SONY TV and betamax during the 80's. My grandfather who was then working abroad bought it for us. I remembered watching Batibot and Sesame Street on our Sony TV. Watching them is where I started to appreciate lessons in school.

By watching Batibot and Sesame Street, I had fun ways of learning things. Those two shows had a great impact on my childhood. It taught kids like me on how to read, and even solve simple mathematical problems. It also taught us on how to respect our elders.

Our family's bonding time was in front of this TV during weekends. We used to watch TV shows together especially during Sundays.

As time past by, Sony became a part of our life. We had our betamax player, our walkmans, and transistor radios. My first video game console happens to be from Sony too. I doubt you don't know the PlayStation 1. Guess where I played the PS1? Where else, on our new Sony TV.

Sony TV definitely gave significance in my life just like the World’s First Motionflow 240Hz LCD TV: Bravia Z450, it enables the display of fast-moving images with total precision and smoothness by increasing the image stability by quadrupling the number of frames rate per second by interpolating three new frames to reduce motion blur... perfect for video gaming with my PlayStation 2

Chocolate Pills for girls.

Almost every girl I know loves chocolates, including me. I'm sure that these Chocolate Pills will instantly be included in every girl's "must have" list.

If ever I can have one, I'm sure that I will bring it along with me all the time. =)

This pill is a must have gift for all girls who suffer from one or more of the following conditions:

* Attack of the monthly shezillas.
* Irritating Boyfriend Syndrome.
* Brad Pitt will never be my boyfriend awakening.
* I've overdosed on sad girly flicks.
* I've lost my favourite lip gloss.
* That damn woman from work I hate is wearing the same top as me.
* I'm runing late and my heel has just snapped.
* It's raining on my hair that I've just spent an hour perfecting.
* Oh No! My ex just saw me in a dirty oversized rugby shirt with bed hair.

Many of life’s annoyances can be swept away in a sea of calm with a deep intake of breath in and a tasty chocolate pill. It will soon become one of your hand bag essentials. 30 delicious chocolate pills in a blister pack to keep each little pill as fresh as they day they were made, just for you, or a friend you know that may be feeling a little glum.

(Prezzybox via, Interior Design Room)

Monday, December 01, 2008

10 Facts TAG

I've got tag by Justkyut. He wants me to share 10 Facts about me.

Here goes:

1. I am the eldest daughter and grand daughter (father's side) in the family.

2. I stand 5 feet 8 inches tall.

3. Just like my best friend Rio, size 9 fits my feet.

4. I learned to drive at the age of 13 and can even drive while wearing 3 inches stilettos.

5. I always have a small pillow on my face when sleeping and a blanket covering my whole body except my feet :D.

6. I love CHOCOLATES. It could be cake, ice cream, candy, drinks, shakes, bars. Name it! That's why I'm planning to put up a business regarding Chocolates.

7. I don't know how to cook real food but I love frying and experimenting new snacks.

8. I love dogs. My baby Mocha is the proof.

9. I love watching horror movies alone. :D

10. And lastly I can stay at home all day. Just make sure that I have a pc with reliable internet connection. :D

That's 10 facts about me. Now I'm tagging Glen, Mark, Pepper, Rocky and Jepoy. ;)

Have fun!

Downloadable free games

My cousin recently bought a new computer for her school and leisure activities. The computer came packaged with discounted games but the problem is, she didn't like some of it. She wanted to return the games and exchange for new ones but the store only allows exchanging of unopened packages.

She wanted to buy more games but I told her to research on Google before deciding to buy another one. Reading game reviews helps one decide on which games to buy. GameOPS is a nice place to start looking for game related news.

I found a website that allows anyone to download computer games for free. Yes FREE. You can test the games first before buying. Test all you want and if you don't like the game, you're not forced to buy it.If you really want it then buy it.

I told my cousin to visit to checkout computer games first before deciding to buy. You can even download mac games in Phelios such as mac solitaire and other Hidden object games for mac.

Phelios is a great website to look for games. It allows anyone to test the game before buying them. Buy only the games you like :)

2nd month of 2025

February is almost over—time flies so fast! Just a quick update: My partner is finally with me, and we are home—home in each other's arm...