Thursday, October 14, 2021

Low carb Choco Peanut Butter Mug Cake

Hello hello!!! Lockdown is finally lifted! I can now see light! lol. Kidding aside, since lockdown is already lift, I can say that just a little bit more and this country will be accepting tourist visa again. And saying that, I am positive that me and my partner will meet very soon! 

Anyway, I'll post more about the lift lockdown effect in other post! I just wanted to share to you my favourite mug cake so far. We've been doing this for 5 straight nights now as a dessert. Me and my sister love it!

I googled a recipe for mug cake and I found it and change it a little and voila! Our favourite mug cake! And good thing about this is it is Low carb, meaning less guilt with the carbs and sugar! LOL

Let me share the ingredients here:

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Twitter are DOWN!

Good morning! 

When I woke up, I was greeted by multiple messages saying that some social media platforms are down such as Facebook, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. So if you think you have internet problem, no you're not! It's their server having problem. 

Below are some of the screenshots from Twitter: 

Monday, September 27, 2021

2nd Jab, Well done!

Hello... hello...

How's everyone? How's Covid19 cases in your area? As of the moment cases here in Sydney is still high. I believe that the government here is no longer targeting the zero percent Covid cases but they are now going to aim for the higher percentage of fully vaccinated people for us to slowly get back to the new normal. 

Here are the list of updates for the coming months:

11 October 2021 (70% vaccinated)
- Lockdown will be lifted for those who are fully vaccinated. 
- 5 visitors now are welcome in one house as long as they are fully vaccinated.
- Hospitality, salons, gyms are reopening for those who are fully vaccinated. 

31 October 2021 (80% vaccinated)
- Regional travels and sports for those who are fully vaccinated. 
- Starting 25 October, students can return to face to face class.

01 December 2021 
- Freedom for all.
- No more visitor limits.
- Clubs will be opening. 
- Mask will no longer be mandatory.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

1st Jab done

Hi again! We're still on lockdown and cases are continuously going up. I already resigned on one of my jobs and now only have one. I am planning to look for a job related to what I am studying right now as soon as the lockdown is lift. 

How are you guys? Hows Covid19 in your place? I hope you are all safe. 

I miss my partner so bad. Nobody can still go back home and no one can fly here as well. It's sad but what can we do? For now we continue to move forward to have a better life. Once lockdown is lifted, I am 100% sure that people would be wanting to visit their home country. People who got separated from their love ones like me. 

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Sydney Lockdown 2.0

It's been a loooonnnnggg time since I last blog anything. Who cares? 🤣I guess everyone's busy with their own life. 

I'm currently here at Sydney studying for a better future (as what most of the students here says!). I came here last 2019 and I just gone home once for only 2 weeks! My plan was to bring my partner here or come back home as often I as can or probably as much as my budget can 😁.  When Corona virus say hello to the world, things changed! Everything changed! I got stuck here! Borders are closed and I can't come back home, even my partner and my parents can't visit me and my sisters here 😢.  What keeps me going is that I got busy with my jobs (Yes JOBS! I got a lot, just to survive 🤣) and I am lucky enough to have a partner that is really understanding. I know how hard LDR (long distance relationships) are! Both of you must be willing to make things work! I am very thankful to my partner for never ending support and understanding. 

2nd month of 2025

February is almost over—time flies so fast! Just a quick update: My partner is finally with me, and we are home—home in each other's arm...