Saturday, July 03, 2021

Sydney Lockdown 2.0

It's been a loooonnnnggg time since I last blog anything. Who cares? 🤣I guess everyone's busy with their own life. 

I'm currently here at Sydney studying for a better future (as what most of the students here says!). I came here last 2019 and I just gone home once for only 2 weeks! My plan was to bring my partner here or come back home as often I as can or probably as much as my budget can 😁.  When Corona virus say hello to the world, things changed! Everything changed! I got stuck here! Borders are closed and I can't come back home, even my partner and my parents can't visit me and my sisters here 😢.  What keeps me going is that I got busy with my jobs (Yes JOBS! I got a lot, just to survive 🤣) and I am lucky enough to have a partner that is really understanding. I know how hard LDR (long distance relationships) are! Both of you must be willing to make things work! I am very thankful to my partner for never ending support and understanding. 

When Sydney stopped having cases, I was hopeful that soon we can finally come back home or any of them can finally visit! But guess what? Booom!!!! From just one case, everyday it keeps getting higher and where I live is included in the hotspot. Where I work is also hotspot. I have took swab test twice in not even a week since I was on a casual contact from where I work and grateful that both result are negative. 

We are currently on lockdown once again for 2 weeks and I am not expecting that it will be lift up anytime soon as cases are doubling each day.

I guess, I need to wait once again for this pandemic to end and finally be with my love ones again. I miss them so bad. I miss my partner most especially. I'll keep hoping and praying that this will be gone soon! 

Why am I writing this? I don't really know. I just feel like it and feels like updating my blog 🤣🤣.

Until then! Thanks for reading if anyone is reading. 

Keep safe!


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