Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Something new

There's a lot of happenings. We are already on the second half of the year. I just want to give an update that I am already working in a better company. Better than what I had previously. Happy to say I am happy with my job. Nice colleagues and friendly environment. I got to learn new things everyday. 

Also, my partner will be coming back soon to visit. Hopefully stay in the future. 

I also started Pilates and so far I like it. It is fun, tiring and challenging. Hopefully I can keep doing it. 

That's it for now. lol

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Just like that, 2023 is almost over

How time flies so quick. Just like that we are already at the end of the year. There's so many memories this year have given me. This is the year I get to go home and the year my partner gets to visit me. I have an empty wallet but my heart is full. I'll always be grateful with the blessings that I am receiving. Thankful for the people around me. I have met so many friends and the real ones still remains. Thank you 2023 for all the adventure and experience you have given me. I am ready for you, 2024! Bring it on! 

Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of us!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

No perfect couple exist!

I always believe that there is no perfect couple. They may look perfect and no arguments at all. But trust me... there will be no perfect relationship. It is the hard work of each other that make it look perfect. It is normal that a couple fight, argue and does not agree on one thing. What's important is that at the end of the day, they never stop fighting for each other. They will set aside their differences and come up with a decision that is best for both of them. Love usually wins.

It is accepting the imperfection in your partner that make a couple perfect. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Is Love worth fighting for?

When you're in a new relationship everything feels like heaven. It's all happiness and loved. You feel like there's always a butterfly within you that wants to make you sing and dance. That feeling that you both understand what you need and you don't. Everything in your lives are synchronised. Almost perfect!

Until it's already long enough that you starts to feel that you are worthless, voiceless, not respected, and useless! It hurts so much that you felt that with the person whom you love the most. You can not speak your mind as it will be misunderstood the wrong way. Everything you say have comments and sometimes you just don't like to speak as to avoid giving false meaning but it will also be taken against you! 

I do not know what to do. Will it still be worth the fight?

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Keep a good heart

There are people who just gets in your nerve. People that does not care of anyone's feeling. I hate them! There are times that I wanted to be as rude as them but I choose not too. It's not me. I love helping people even if they don't care. Imagine if we help each other, the world will be a better place,  No matter what happens, always keep a good heart. Do not let the darkness in this world take the goodness in you. 

Saturday, October 07, 2023

What excites you, drives you.

If you have a goal, no matter how hard you work you will not complain. Why? Because you are focus on reaching that dream. You will do everything you can just to make sure that you reach that goal! 

You are happy doing the hard work as you know some day you will be getting that dream. 

I read this somewhere: "Great things never came from comfort zones". I truly believe this. You need to work hard for what you want and what you deserve. If you stay within your comfort zone, you will not grow. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Reaching goals

How do you really reach your goals? 

Do you really need to plan for it? Do you really need to do it step by step? Can we just focus on the outcome, like you have a goal that you want to achieve but you still prefer to go with the flow of life but you make sure you reach your goal no matter what. 

Which one best works for you? 

Something new

There's a lot of happenings. We are already on the second half of the year. I just want to give an update that I am already working in a...