Monday, December 16, 2024

Love: The Rollercoaster Ride

Love is no walk in the park—it’s hard work, plain and simple.

It’s unpredictable. One moment, you’re in tears, and the next, you’re laughing so hard your stomach hurts. Love has a way of making you feel every emotion, even the ones you never knew existed.

Love can leave you undecided, torn between choices. It can make you stronger, yet it teaches you to be gentle. Love has a funny way of making you feel foolish sometimes, pushing you to do things you never imagined you were capable of.

It’s a wild rollercoaster ride—full of ups and downs, twists and turns.

Maybe the secret isn’t to fight it or overthink it, but to embrace it. Enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Are We Drifting Apart?

Why do I feel like we’re no longer on the same page?

Are we slowly drifting away from each other?
Do small things always have to spark such big anger?
Do I even still know you?

I’m starting to grow tired of our fights. What seems monumental to you feels like something we could simply talk through to me.

Is this the cost of loving an overthinker?

Everyone knows I love with all my heart. But if you can’t see or feel it, maybe it’s because I love in the only way I know how.

We’re too old to keep arguing. Instead, shouldn’t we focus on finding solutions and cherishing the moments we have together?

Monday, November 11, 2024

Hormones change are not fun

I’m at that stage in life where my hormones have decided to go through major changes. I often feel weak, and it seems like I'm always getting sick.

Turning the big 4-0 brought some serious, unexpected shifts. My vision has become blurry, and it feels like every part of my body aches—especially my knees, joints, back, and shoulders. My metabolism has taken a hit too, slowing down drastically.

Since I’m a bit of a late bloomer, I’m just now starting to build my career in the corporate world. My colleagues are younger, full of energy, and while I keep my age private, I just want to be seen as an equal, not as someone "older" or weaker.

It’s honestly not easy working alongside younger people with such stamina while I’m doing my best to keep up. These hormonal changes make it even tougher, as I often show up to work not feeling my best, just hoping to get through the day without any issues.

My periods have become irregular, and it’s definitely frustrating. I’m sharing this as a way to express what I’m going through, and I really hope this menopausal journey can be a bit kinder to me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Something new

There's a lot of happenings. We are already on the second half of the year. I just want to give an update that I am already working in a better company. Better than what I had previously. Happy to say I am happy with my job. Nice colleagues and friendly environment. I got to learn new things everyday. 

Also, my partner will be coming back soon to visit. Hopefully stay in the future. 

I also started Pilates and so far I like it. It is fun, tiring and challenging. Hopefully I can keep doing it. 

That's it for now. lol

2nd month of 2025

February is almost over—time flies so fast! Just a quick update: My partner is finally with me, and we are home—home in each other's arm...