Thursday, June 26, 2008

Brand New Start

I planned to put a weekly quotations here, but for some reason it did not continue. Here is my second attempt of putting a quotation in my blog. =)

"Never use failure as an excuse for not trying again... we may not be able to undo the damage or reverse the consequences, but we can always make a NEW START"

Maybe somebody might need that quotation.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sad things in life that young people need to remember

Here are some Facts of Life.

1. Nothing lasts forever, this includes your looks.

2. Hair will begin to grow where you don't want it to. See your aunt with the goatee about this one if you don't believe me.

3. Your perky parts will cease to be perky. It will be a sad day.

4. While plastic surgery may help you can only use it for so long. If you want to know why it should not become a way of life type bad plastic surgery into your search and hit enter.

5. Your young children who now believe you can do no wrong, worship the ground you walk on and want you to be around them 24/7 will more likely than not decide at some time you are stupid and don't want to have any more to do with you than possible. Don't worry, it's a part of growing up and they will come back around. Sooner if they need something.

6. Your body will enjoy embarrassing you without warning. The older you get the worse it will get. Buy a dog so you'll have someone to blame it on.

7. That celeb you think is so hot right now will be referred to as "that old fart (actor/singer, etc) my mom/dad likes." Sorry Orlando.

8. Your music will eventually be on the oldie station.

9. You will always have at least one friend who will always look younger than you do.

10. Enjoy life and laugh at yourself once in a while. And quit thinking you're more special than everyone else. You'll learn better in the long run.

(via, Purple Slinky)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Canned Bacon

Canned bacon? cooked bacon in a can? Cool! That's new.

Each can consists of approximately 50 pieces of bacon strips that are ready to be eaten straight from the can. Bacons fat and liquid are carefully drain off so it will taste as good as the freshly cooked bacon from the refrigerator.

You can bring this on a camping, family picnic or just eat it at home. =)

more picture after the jump

Each can is 9 ounces of fully cooked and drained bacon. Between 2-3/4 and 3-1/4 pounds of raw bacon go into each can. Cured, cooked and then hand wrapped, rolled and packed in the U.S.

If your lucky enough to live in the US, you can get a 12 pack case of the stuff delivered to your door for just $109

(via, About Blank)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I just wanted to greet my beloved Papa a Happy Happy Father's Day! I love you. No words can describe how much you mean to me and our family.

And to all the fathers out there, Happy Father's Day to you too! Enjoy your special day!

Here are some trivia on the origin of Father's Day:

* Father's Day always falls on the third Sunday in June.

* Father's Day originated in America.

* The first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19 1910 in Spokane, Washington USA.

* The idea of Father's Day came from a Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd came out with the idea of the father's day.

* Father's Day was supported by President Calvin Coolidge in 1924.

* In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day with a presidential proclamation.

* In 1972, President Richard Nixon established the Father's Day as a permanently holiday.

* The Romans honored their dead fathers, every February.

* The necktie is the most common and famous Father's Day gift.

* Official Flower: Rose - wear red for living father and white for deceased father.

(via, Father's Day)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

umobile Invite Codes Giveaway

Have you heard about the latest cellphone company that offers FREE load every month? If not then this is your chance to be part of ümobile, the first Philippine ad-funded mobile company.

To join ümobile, you must be first invited by your approved friends or by a ümobile Code Giver. Fortunately for my readers, Jepoy was chosen by ümobile to be one of the authorized code giver.

If you want to be part of ümobile, visit his website and follow the instructions to get your ümobile Invite Code :)

Click here to get your ümobile codes!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chocolate Flavored Items

Chocolate Dress :
This is specially design for fashion show purposes only. Try wearing them on ordinary days and it will surely melt. =)

Are you a true chocolate lover who is addicted to chocolate and could not see life the same without chocolate? If you answered yes, then you are a certified Chocoholics.

I have found some unusual chocolate flavored items that you might want to indulge yourself with. =)

more pictures after the jump

Chocolate Wine :
This is a perfect combination of wine and chocolate in one bottle.

Chocolate Bubble Gum :
Try chewing this chocolate flavored gum

Chocolate Pasta :
I can't imagine my self eating a chocolate flavored pasta with a sauce. It might not taste good.

Chocolate Perfume :
If you feel like being sweet, use this chocolate perfume.

Chocolate Bath Soap :
It is said that this soap can relax mind and body.

Chocolate Toothpaste :
Kids will surely love to brush their teeth with this chocolate flavored toothpaste.

Chocolate Band-Aid :
Milk chocolates that shape like bandages.

Chocolate Bubble Bath :
Kids will enjoy this chocolate scent bubble bath.

Chocolate Candle :
Chocolate scented candle that can be use in romantic dinner

(via, Purple Slinky)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Misplaced Heels

I already featured several kinds of shoes here such as the High heels without a heel, some very unusual shoe designs and the Camileon Heels that transforms. Now, another weird looking shoes that I recently found while surfing the web. =)

This shoe is funny because it look like its heels are placed on the wrong side. I wonder how uncomfortable and awkward it will be walking in that shoe.

What's next? A shoe with its heel on the front or inside the shoe itself? =)

(via, The Daily Weird)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I've been to...

My Lakbayan grade is D!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.

I've been tag by Ifoundme to do this. =)

Show me how much of the Philippines have you travelled &add your link here…
1) Mind bubbles, 2) May, 3) VANITY KIT 4) SOMETHING PURPLE,5) A DETOUR, 6) Big Eyed Gal, 7) The Chronic Shopper, 8) Free IT and Blogger’s EBook, 9) Ness 10) Mica 11) Bernadeth 12) Bernisaac 13) Expressions and Thoughts 14) Our Family Story 15) Mumsified 16) J-B-L-O-G-G-E-D 17) Dakilang Islander 18) Mangyan Ako 19) Ifoundme 20) Jepoy 21) Mocha 22) Lalaine 23) add your link here

I am now tagging Rio, The Dong, Hachi, Mommy Ann and Vanny. =)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

To-Do Tattoo

Are you one of those who write notes or constant reminder on your hand? I guess everybody write notes on hand sometimes, including me.

Here is a To-Do Tattoo kit that can help us remind the things that we needed to do. It is skin safe and has a washable-ink gel pen. You will never forget that important things that you need to buy, or those birthday party that you usually misses.

(via, World Wide Fred)

2nd month of 2025

February is almost over—time flies so fast! Just a quick update: My partner is finally with me, and we are home—home in each other's arm...