Friday, April 25, 2008

Cassette Tape = MP3 Player

Do you still have a stereo in your house or in your car that plays cassette tapes? If in case you have one, i bet that you are not using it anymore. With this new MP3 Cassette Tape, you don't need to throw your old stereo that plays cassette tape because it is actually a look alike of the old tape with SD cards that you load MP3s. It can be used in two ways, one is by just plugging the headset and the second one is its ability to be put it in the cassette player and play it like an ordinary cassette tape =)

(via, Dvice)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Asterisk Clock

Is your wall clock one of those common style clock that hangs on your wall and makes you bored looking time on it? You can get this very fashionable Black Asterisk Clock that will surely change your boring clock into a more stylish one. The shadow of this clock will also add effects on your time viewing.

This can also be a gift for those who appreciates art.

Designer: George Nelson

Item number: 287

Black metal clock

Metal casing battery operated quartz movements

10" in diameter

(via, Velocity)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another Tag =)

You Are Boyish Sexy

You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys

Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football...

Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.

You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.

I was tagged again and this time it was from my best friend Rio. I will not tag anyone in particular but whoever want to do this is free to do it so. =)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5 Star Blog Award

I want to thank Ate Cielo for giving me this 5 Star Blog Award. It made me smile knowing that someone appreciates my work.

Actually, it's my first blog award :D. Thank you very much ate =).

I am now passing this award to Rio, Karmi and Jepoy,

Just do it if you're not busy. =)

Hi-tech Trendy Female Watch

Almost every women I know loves watches. Some can't even leave the house without wearing one. It is already included in their style and fashion.

This hi-tech and very trendy watch is a must have for those who loves watches. it can be worn on any occasion / party. When the clock is not in use, it simply looks like a bracelet with a dot on it, but when you touch the dot the hidden digital clock appears.

cool. =)

two more pictures after the jump

This can also be a perfect gift for those who collect watches.
(via, Yanko Design)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Humorous Diet Tips

I am one of those who always look for effective dieting tips to lose weight when i accidentally passed by Be Young website and read the Funny Diet Tips. I personally know how difficult it is to lose or even gain weight that's why i want to share these tips that made me laugh to my readers(if there were any :D).

Make sure you enjoy the tips. =)

tips after the jump

Funny Diet Tips

Don't take our humorous diet tips too seriously, they're just for fun!
Success is when you can look beyond food...and look down and see your feet.

* To make your hips and thighs look slim on the beach, dig two tunnels under your thighs and make a small dent in the sand for your bottom. Place your towel over the top and sit in the dug out area. Hey presto, no bulging thighs and hips.

* Always stand 3/4 on for photographs ..... really slimming

* Stand next to a person fatter than you whenever possible and never ever befriend a real skinny!!!

* Always eat in private, if people never see you eat, they'll believe you when you say you have a thyroid problem

* If you have a problem with eating too much in the evenings, go to bed at 7.30 pm every night and ask your partner to hand cuff you to the bed, you never know, you may solve two problems in one, by spicing up your sex life at the same time ;)

* If you do know someone who's naturally skinny, have them come and live with you for two weeks and eat exactly what they eat at exactly the same times. You are guaranteed to lose weight!

* Con your friends into thinking how good you're looking lately ..... study and memorize your most flattering pose in a mirror and ensure when anyone sees you, you strike the pose..... note, this only works if you then don't move again until they've left the room.

* Cross your legs at your ankles. Your thighs and calves will look slimmer.
* Get a tan. A tan helps you look thinner

* Whenever a friend calls round, tell them you're on your way to the gym, word will get round about how fit and healthy you are.... and you may feel it necessary to prove it once in a while

* 100 laughs a day is equal to 10 minutes of exercise!
Now can it get any easier than that?

(via, Be Young)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The dog that walks like human

This dog named Faith was born with only his two back legs and yet succeeded to learn to walk like a human.

Faith and his owner Judy Stringfelow travels to America to lighten the hearts of people in misery by showing that despite not having four legs, he learned to walk just like us human.

more pictures after the jump

I am amazed and inspired by Faith, hope you will be inspired too. =)

(via, Fun Hight)

2nd month of 2025

February is almost over—time flies so fast! Just a quick update: My partner is finally with me, and we are home—home in each other's arm...